Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Effect of scale on trait predictors of species responses to agriculture 

      Gilroy, James J.; Medina-Uribe, Claudia A.; Haugaasen, Torbjørn; Edwards, David P. (WileyConservation Biology, 2014-11)
      La persistencia de las especies en terrenos alterados por el humano puede depender de factores que operan en múltiples escalas espaciales. Para entender los impactos antropogénicos sobre la biodiversidad, es útil examinar ...
    • Land-Sparing Agriculture Best Protects Avian Phylogenetic Diversity 

      Medina-Uribe, Claudia A.; Edwards, David E.; Gilroy, James J.; Thomas, Gavin H.; Haugaasen, Torbjørn (Cell PressCurrent Biology, 2015-09-03)
      Appropriate management of farming is critical to slowing the biodiversity extinction crisis. Edwards et al. show that farming intensively while offsetting large natural reserves will save more phylogenetic diversity and ...
    • Minimizing the biodiversity impact of Neotropical oil palm development. 

      Gilroy, James J.; Prescot, Graham W.; Cárdenas, Johann S.; González del Pliego, Pamela; Sánchez, Andrés; Rojas-Murcia, Luis E.; Medina-Uribe, Claudia A.; Haugaasen, Torbjorn; Edwards, David P. (WileyGlobal Change Biology, 2014-08-30)
      Oil palm agriculture is rapidly expanding in the Neotropics, at the expense of a range of natural and seminatural habitats. A key question is how this expansion should be managed to reduce negative impacts on biodiversity.
    • Optimizing carbon storage and biodiversity protection in tropical agricultural landscapes. 

      Gilroy, James J.; Woodcock, Paul; Edwards, Felicity A.; Wheeler, Charlotte; Medina-Uribe, Claudia A.; Haugaasen, Torbjorn; Edwards, David P. (WileyGlobal Change Biology, 2014-07)
      With the rapidly expanding ecological footprint of agriculture, the design of farmed landscapes will play an increasingly important role for both carbon storage and biodiversity protection.
    • Surrounding habitats mediate the trade-off between land-sharing and land-sparing agriculture in the tropics 

      Gilroy, James J.; Edwards, Felicity A.; Medina-Uribe, Claudia A.; Haugaasen, Torbjørn; Edwards, David P. (British Ecological SocietyJournal of Applied Ecology, 2014-10)
      Dos estrategias son a menudo promovidos para mitigar los efectos de la expansión de la agricultura sobre la biodiversidad: una integra hábitats de vida silvestre dentro de un radio tierras de cultivo (suelo compartir), y ...